Monday, July 11, 2011

I got a Second Internship!


Scenery around my Second Internship.
Pic by Me.

At this second internship, shall we code name it... Fashion Company? I'm creative, I know, I get to do a lot more "businessy" stuff. Fashion Company is a fashion retail trade company, but they're doing it in a revolutionary way. Basically, for lack of a better comparison, they are a Facebook-type bridge between Designers and Boutiques. This is company has a very small but proficient team, and I love that! I work next to the VP, and across the CEO! 

I have a very limited time here in New York and I wanna make the most of it. As you guys (and by "you guys" I mean the one random person in Sweden that reads this blog. What up Sweden!) read on a past post- tho PR Company is an amazing corporation, is not exactly the most challenging place in the fashion industry. But it's getting more interesting! I got to attend a ROXY event and I'm working on another event next Tuesday- details to come! And my very fellow interns at PR Company helped edit the  clothes that Daniel Radcliffe wore at the Harry Potter Premier in London!

We touched the clothes he was wearing! ...ok, that came out creepy.

But for me, the most exciting thing yet was getting to see and stand next to Elizabeth Moss from Mad Men!! She came into PR Company for I don't even know what reason, to look at something in the showroom, I don't know, I was too excited, I didnt pay attention! Clearly, Mad Men is one of my favorite shows. I highly regret not asking her to take a pic with. I didn't wanna look all... unprofessional. Next time, I'm doing it!

Peggy Olson?! Is that you?!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Roxy Event.

PR Company threw a press party for Roxy to showcase their Winter '11 line at The Black Bear Lodge.

The bar was completely decked in Roxy Winter '11 gear, it was like a big cozy closet! After a long day at the office, a group of us interns came to to the event to help out. I was in charge of checking in the guests at the door. This was an invite only event. There were a few bar patrons that I had to turn away and asked them to come back when the event was over, it was awkward!

There was lots of yummy treats and an open bar! We were allowed a drink while at work! (Don't worry, I'm of legal age) As the event kept going, some of the interns were asked to leave. Rudely. Apparently we were looking too happy and there is no such privilege allowed for interns! I was saved from leaving because I had the almighty job of being the greeter at the door. I understand that the senior staff didn't want anything to get out of hand, i.e drunken intern puking all over an important editor, but there is a way to say all things politely. Then again, this is New York... we're unpaid interns... that kind of treatment comes expected.

As the editors, bloggers and stylists left the event, we handed them these delicious cookies but the real treat is in the little snowboards attached. They are actually USB drives with the lookbook inside! How cool is that!

Here's a sneak peek: