Monday, September 5, 2011

Kiki De Montparnasse Event


Ok, now that that's out of the way... After a long, busy day at PR Company, I was one of the last interns at the office and was cleaning up for the day when the fabulous showroom supervisor asked me if I wanted to go to an event with her. I didn't know where I was going or what we were doing but we we're on friendly terms, even though she's practically my boss, so I said "Yea, let's have some fun."

We ended up at the Kiki de Montparnasse store, where there was a private sale/cocktail party going on. It was put together my supervisor's friend so she was kinda obliged to go.

Once more, sooooo sorry for the horrible phone pics! It's all I got!

Kiki de Montparnasse is a high-end lingerie/sex toy store (I told you it was raunchy!) with emphasis on the high-end part. Bras here will cost you about $100+ bucks. Very nice stuff tho.

There was free champagne, and fruit and chocolate bits to nibble on. Everyone, well 90%, there was dresses in all black and white, grungy chic attire. Red lips galore or no make up at all. Killer rock style/Pamela Love accessories on all the chics. Boys were sporting tattoos as accessories de riguer. Everyone seemed to know everyone. Among the guests was Greg K from the Misshapes and Genevieve Jones from... well, the socialite.

Aaaand then there was little intern me.. in my jean shorts and t shirt... and my laptop carrier bag.. in the same room as this picture..

I had one champagne glass, let my supervisor introduce to a few of her friends, and then left. I felt so out of place. But it was so cool to get to go!

Wow, I suck at blogging.

Sorry for the delays in posting! Here are some quick updates:

-Fashion week is right around the corner.. and it's killin' me! haha. It's been busy at PR Company. I'm one of the few interns whose internship period overlapped between summer and fall, so basically almost everyone is back at their college towns and all the work is divided between 3 or 4 of us per day (during the summer-sesh there was about 12 of us). It can get overwhelming but at least it's not boring.

-I got to go to two events via PR Company last month. One for fun and one to work at.

-I quit my second internship rather quickly-- it was cool and I got to see the fashion industry from a different perspective, the one of a start up online company, but I was working a little too hard to be working for free.

-My first fashion week event will be this Thursday for Fashion Night Out, which I promise to report on promptly! Kinda excited!